Sunday, November 2, 2008

Why I think this country continues to have crap candidates

I believe that the people most likely to make a stand are those that are most fervent and dedicated to a cause. i also think that they are the people who will be more willing to VOTE.

as we come into the home stretch of this election, i have had an epiphany. those people with the strangest ideas, the neo-conservatives and the left wing nut jobs are the only ones actually voting! those in the middle of the road? those that are actually about the constitution and bill of rights? they seem to have forgotten that they are entitled to vote as well.

why do i believe such a far fetched plan? here is my reasoning:

it was reported on Thursday (10/30) that 30% of all registered voters had caste an early ballot. and that those 30% amounted to 1.7 million people. simple math shows us that there are only 5.6 million registered voters. are you kidding me? i hope and pray that that 30% is WRONG! if it isn't then that means that only 1.8% of the population of the US is determining our leaders.

of course if that number is right... it could explain all the stupid legislation and pork barrel projects we have passed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

for anyone that may read this blog. I have learned some good news. It is only or the registered EARLY voters. so those that registered to turn in an early ballot. whew! i was concerned.